My website is live! / by Ana Filipovic Windsor


Super stoked to share that my personal website is now up and running! Things have come a long way since the Angelfire days........anyone remember those sites? 

I wanted to create a personal website for a couple of specific reasons. The first reason is that LinkedIn feels a bit too restrictive in terms of what and how you can share. People are much more than just their work history, and LinkedIn feels like a place that hosts your resume and bio. Having a personal website allows me share more creative material and to be more interactive. 

In addition, I have been very active in the past year doing speeches and talks for groups interested in talent acquisition and recruiting trends. I have really enjoyed this work and I hope that the groups that have invited me to join them have benefited from my shared experiences. Since I would like to continue this work, having a personal site helps to showcase my background as a speaker. 

Lastly, I wanted to create a place online where I can have a more direct connection with people that are connected with me on social and by email. This goes beyond my ventures and businesses. This website, hopefully, will become a place to engage in a more meaningful way

Special thanks to Ana Filipovic Windsor for her work in getting this site up. She is AMAZING and I am so lucky to have her on the team. Also, thanks to all of you who have helped me in choosing my logo. 

So that's it! Please note that this website will always be a work in progress. It's a place to stand as I start a new journey forward.

Would love to get your feedback and hear from you.

Have an awesome day!

Connect with me: Austin Meyermann